When you’re here at Brick-News, we do request that you follow our TOS and rules.

1. Discrimination and bullying is strictly forbidden here, at Brick-Central.
2. Swearing is a privilege and is not to be abused and spammed.
3. Do NOT post inappropriate and damaging things on here. If it’s not something you’d do to a family member then you wouldn’t do it to anyone else.
4. The report button is there for a reason. If anyone if breaking these rules, please use it.
5. Spamming is against the rules. Please try and refrain from doing it!
6. The swear word beginning with F is against the rules here! If you see someone saying that word, report it to us!

Thank you for coming to our site and thanks for following our rules!

Last edited by Tapped on Mon Jun 29, 2020 1:41 pm; edited 1 time in total